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Tag Archives: cyberpunk

Taking my camera for an afternoon walk, will capture future textures around the old town and the industrial part of Toulon.
Im spending a lot of time removing noise on the previous shots that I have received from an offshore installation…found old shots from an articulated robotic arm and made a new texture with it.

random shots of a low poly hovercar Ive been creating last month or so :

Cypher Hovercar by Djehan Kidd for Hangars Liquides

Cypher Hovercar by Djehan Kidd for Hangars Liquides

I think I started to think about this special shape for a hovercar when I was about 8 years old so it was cool to finaly materialize it..
off to shooting textures outside

cybercity @ hangars liquides

hangars liquides GFX 2010 by DJEHAN KIDD ©2010

I have just received an exciting and personnal new set of about 200 pictures from a state of the art industrial installation.
Useless to say that I have already started to work on some of them, all in one : an amazing structure full of biomechanixxx and flames, wow.
Talking about textures Im just setting up a set of about 200 textures that I made from scratch during 2008/2009// I will sell it on this website.
stay tuned